The pleasures of Alec Egan's Bouquet with Cupcake (dessert) are pretty simple. Flowers are beautiful and he paints them beautifully. And cupcakes are delicious. There's really no need to overthink this, even though Alec certainly has- over and over again throughout his floral patterned, Laura Ashley inspired, body of work. This bouquet doesn't need much in the way of unpacking. It's just that nice to look at. Also, that cupcake is making us hungry.
The pleasures of Alec Egan's Bouquet with Cupcake (dessert) are pretty simple. Flowers are beautiful and he paints them beautifully. And cupcakes are delicious. There's really no need to overthink this, even though Alec certainly has- over and over again throughout his floral patterned, Laura Ashley inspired, body of work. This bouquet doesn't need much in the way of unpacking. It's just that nice to look at. Also, that cupcake is making us hungry.
The pleasures of Alec Egan's Bouquet with Cupcake (dessert) are pretty simple. Flowers are beautiful and he paints them beautifully. And cupcakes are delicious. There's really no need to overthink this, even though Alec certainly has- over and over again throughout his floral patterned, Laura Ashley inspired, body of work. This bouquet doesn't need much in the way of unpacking. It's just that nice to look at. Also, that cupcake is making us hungry.